
Article Archive

Podcast: The Structure Debate

The Rev. Emily Mellott, alternate deputy from the Diocese of Chicago and rector of Calvary Church, Lombard, spoke to her guests about the structure debates taking place during General Convention. Guests:  Brendan O’Sullivan-Hale is a deputy from the Diocese of Indianapolis The Rev. Paige Blair is a deputy from the Diocese of San Diego The…
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Then I’ll Sing ‘Cause I’ll Know

It’s been a pretty good week. In the short span of a few days, we’ve seen the Fair Housing Act upheld (a huge victory for civil rights law), healthcare reform protected, the president break into song, and marriage rights extended to all. Then, yesterday, we witnessed another slice of history when this church elected Bishop…
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No small task: serving on the Joint Standing Committee for Program, Budget and Finance

This is one of a series of articles about how deputies are making up their minds about the issues before their legislative committees. Before I agreed to serve on the Joint Standing Committee for Program, Budget and Finance, I was warned about the overwhelming nature of this assignment. Working on diocesan staff for a few…
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The Trellis of Structure

This is one of a series of articles about how deputies are making up their minds about the issues before their legislative committees. By Katie Sherrod As the work of the Committee on Governance and Structure was beginning, there has been more than one moment when the scale of the challenge before us seemed overwhelming….
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Who’s on first? And other questions about World Mission

This is one of a series of articles about how deputies are making up their minds about the issues before their legislative committees. Bud Abbott and Lou Costello once performed a famous comedy routine, “Who’s on First?” about a fictitious baseball team with players named “Who” (the first baseman), “What” (at second base), and “I…
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A conversation with Dr. Charles V. Willie

House of Deputies Vice President Byron Rushing talks with Dr. Charles V. Willie, a groundbreaking African American educator and former vice president of the House of Deputies who preached at the ordination of the first women priests, known as the Philadelphia 11. When the bishops failed to uphold that ordination and give equal rights to women, he…
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Bishop Michael Curry of the Diocese of North Carolina will be the next presiding bishop

 Bishop Michael Bruce Curry of the Diocese of North Carolina has been elected and confirmed as the next presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church. Curry, who will be the first African American to lead the church, was elected on the first ballot with 121 of 174 votes. The news was announced to more than 850…
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The Presiding Bishop as master carpenter

Many years ago in a galaxy far away, I was an apprentice to become a master carpenter. Experience in every phase of residential building was essential. So I served as a helper for experts in every stage of the process. I once tended a plasterer who was truly an artist. He described the intricacies of…
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Podcast: Las voces Latinas en la Convención General

Este podcast nos presenta a diferentes lideres que comparten sus impreciones de la precencia latina en la convención, la importancia de involucrarse en las decisiones de la iglesia y como las redes sociales son importantes en nuestro ministerio.

Maybe love does win

Yesterday was a day that made me believe that profound and radical change is actually possible in our country.  In the wake of the decision by the U. S. Supreme Court to make marriage equality possible across the country my Facebook feed was flooded with proclamations of “love wins.”  As a straight ally, I rejoice…
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How best to invest in the Holy Land: Deputies debate divestment

In the third of a series of viewpoint essays, Deputy John Kitagawa and Deputy Sarah Lawton of California debate how the Episcopal Church should use its financial leverage to purse peace in the Holy Land. Lawton supports a strategy of limited divestment as embodied in resolutions such as C012. Kitagawa opposes and favors what has…
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Deputies React to the Supreme Court Ruling

The Supreme Court ruled on same-sex marriage on Thursday morning. We stopped some deputies on their way to the floor of the House to ask how they felt about it and how they hoped the Convention acted going forward.