
Article Archive

Podcast: Race at General Convention

Deputy Anita George, a veteran civil rights activist from the Diocese of Mississippi and Kevin Smallwood, an Episcopal Service Corps intern in the Diocese of Western Massachusetts talk with Emily Mellott about how issues of race have played out at and around General Convention.

Getting ready to revise the Prayer Book

Getting ready to revise the Prayer Book. There is something slightly surreal about sitting in the Prayer Book, Liturgy, and Music Committee, bleary eyed but looking cheerful, at 7:30 every morning talking about the church’s worship. When I became an Episcopalian in 1986, I assumed that the forms of worship contained in that red book had…
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Resolutions: from start to finish

For the last triennium, I have served as a member of the Standing Commission on Lifelong Christian Formation and Education.  When it came time to indicate preferences for legislative committee assignments for General Convention, I figured that indicating Committee 12: Formation and Education for Ministry would be a good fit since the SCLCFE resolutions would…
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House of Deputies voting prayers

The Rev. Lester MacKenzie led the House of Deputies in prayer before each vote on marriage resolutions. Peace perfect peace perfect peace. Proverbs 15:1 A gentle answer turns away wrath, But a harsh word stirs up anger. Jesus Christ, our Lord, our God. Draw near and be present with us. Fan our hearts, minds and…
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Deputy votes provide for same-sex marriage in the Episcopal Church

The House of Deputies on Wednesday made marriage equality a reality in the Episcopal Church by concurring with the House of Bishops’ action on resolutions that change the canons on marriage and approve two marriage liturgies for trial use. Together the measures permit same-sex couples to be married in the Episcopal Church, beginning on the…
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House of Deputies passes two structure resolutions

The House of Deputies today passed resolutions that substantially reduce the number of standing commissions that help shape church policy between meetings of the General Convention, and maintained the church’s 38-member Executive Council at its current size. A task force that studied the church’s governing structure had recommended reducing the size of the council by…
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Podcast: Mujer Levántate

Araceli Ma, de la diócesis de Washington DC, Enedi na Vasquez de la diócesis de San Antonio, Texas y la Rev. Ema Rosero-Nordalm de la diócesis de Massachusetts nos hanlan del grupo gestor Talitha Cumi, “Mujer Levántate” una red de latinas episcopales y luteranas cuyo objetivo principal es empoderar a la mujer latina a ser…
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Podcast: Education and Formation

The Rev. Emily Mellott, alternate deputy from the Diocese of Chicago and rector of Calvary Church, Lombard, spoke to her guests about the structure debates taking place during General Convention. Guests:  Randall Curtis is president of FORMA and ministry developer for young adults and youth in the Diocese of Arkansas Andrea McKellar is a deputy…
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Hanging out in #gc78

You may have noticed, if you are a social media type person, that I spend much time on Twitter. I realize that Twitter has an ambivalent reputation in some quarters—how much in-depth conversation can you have in 140 characters? How many people want to know what you had for breakfast this morning? Aren’t you worried…
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PB&F releases budget

The Program, Budget and Finance Committee published on June 30 a $122.2 million budget proposal for the 2016-2018 triennium that decreases the percentage that dioceses are expected to contribute from their own budgets from the current 19 percent to 15 percent over three years. Responding to calls from around the church to make more money…
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Opening prayer on the floor of the House of Deputies

The Rev. Lester MacKenzie has become known throughout the House for his rambunctious and engaging prayers on the Floor. This prayer opened the afternoon session on Tuesday, June 30.

Thinking Audaciously at General Convention

Some years ago, when I attended a special CREDO for the Laity of Reorganizing Dioceses, I was introduced to the concept of a BHAG (Big, Hairy, Audacious Goal). As this General Convention has progressed, what first began as a small motif—popping up here and there—has seemed to me to become not simply a theme, but…
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