
Daily archives: Monday, July 9, 2018

The Long and Winding Road of B012
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The House of Deputies on Monday approved a resolution that seeks to make liturgies for marrying same-sex couples available in every diocese where such marriages are legal. Resolution B012 would make the marriage rites authorized for trial use by the 2015 General Convention available “under the canonical direction of the Rector or Member of the…
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A Reflection on the Hutto Service

I had lump in my throat as our bus turned a corner and headed down a narrow rural road. I knew we had to be close, and it hit me where we were going. We were in a caravan of 19 buses making the 40-minute journey from the Austin Convention Center to a world away…
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HoD Passes Truth and Rec Task Force
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The House of Deputies on Monday approved almost unanimously a resolution from the so-called #MeToo committee to establish a Task Force for Women, Truth, and Reconciliation to help the church “engage in truth-telling, confession, and reconciliation regarding gender-based discrimination, harassment, and violence against women and girls in all their forms by those in power in…
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Episcopalians Stand Vigil at Hutto Detention Center
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Episcopalians at the 79th General Convention traveled to the Hutto Detention Center on Sunday morning to stand vigil, advocating against the separation of families seeking asylum at our border. This video features the Rev. Megan Castellan, Rector of St. John’s Episcopal Church in Ithaca, New York and alternate deputy from West Missouri, and the Most….
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#GC79 Podcast: Witness and Connection
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Miguel Escobar, director of Anglican studies at EDS@Union, hosts the sixth nightly #GC79 podcast. Guests: Myra Garnes is the canon for youth and young adult ministries for the Episcopal Diocese of Long Island. She is supporting the Long Island deputation, promoting Baptized for Life and providing support for the Office of Black Ministries. Brendan O’Sullivan-Hale…
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Podcast de Nancy Frausto, Episodio 1: El Rdo. Francisco Morales
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La Rda. Nancy Frausto, rectora asociada de la Iglesia Episcopal de San Lucas en Long Beach, California, y miembro fundador del Grupo de Trabajo del Santuario de la Diócesis de Los Ángeles, presenta un podcast de #GC79. Invitado: El Rdo. Francisco Morales, de la Diócesis de Puerto Rico y coordinador de la IX Provincia. Los temas…
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Debating Israel and Palestine: How Should the Episcopal Church Invest its Money?

The question of how the Episcopal Church should respond to issues of peace and justice in Israel and Palestine, particularly when it comes to financial investments, has proven so fraught that a working group was created just to figure out how best to talk about it. Following the 2015 General Convention, during which debate became…
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Israel and Palestine: Pursue Positive Investment

I write in prayerful and cautious opposition to Resolution C017 “A Just Peace in the Holy Land”— and I do so as a person who is concerned about protecting and supporting Palestinians. It is my opinion that this resolution will have the unintentional consequence of further harming the very Palestinians it aims to protect. My…
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Israel and Palestine: Let Us Question Our Caution

The 79th General Convention is considering at least twelve separate resolutions on Israel and Palestine: C035, C038, B003, D019, D018, D027, D028, D038, D039, D041, B018, B021, C017 The topics range from ending the imprisonment of Palestinian children to the protection of the diversity in Jerusalem. General Convention regularly considers the Episcopal Church’s role in the…
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Episcopalians Unite Against Gun Violence
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Deputies and bishops to the General Convention gathered on Sunday morning at General Convention to pray and act against gun violence. The witness was organized by Bishops United Against Gun Violence.