
Monthly archives: June 2015

How best to invest in the Holy Land: Deputies debate divestment

In the third of a series of viewpoint essays, Deputy John Kitagawa and Deputy Sarah Lawton of California debate how the Episcopal Church should use its financial leverage to purse peace in the Holy Land. Lawton supports a strategy of limited divestment as embodied in resolutions such as C012. Kitagawa opposes and favors what has…
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Deputies React to the Supreme Court Ruling

The Supreme Court ruled on same-sex marriage on Thursday morning. We stopped some deputies on their way to the floor of the House to ask how they felt about it and how they hoped the Convention acted going forward.

Podcast: Convention Worship

This is the first of a series of podcasts for Deputy News. To start us off, The Rev. Emily Mellott, alternate deputy from the Diocese of Chicago and rector of Calvary Church, Lombard, spoke to her guests about worship at General Convention. Guests: AnnaMarie Hoos is an alternate deputy from the Diocese of California and a…
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A day in the life: Praying to lose control

Lest you think that General Convention is all paper-pushing and lavish bottles of wine, last night I attended an actual prayer service. (I know.  Contain your shock.  Release your pearls.  Rise up from your fainting couches.) The service of Evening Prayer was organized by Acts8, of which I am a longtime member.  We gathered in…
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An “alternate” approach to General Convention
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SALT LAKE CITY – They who wait also serve: The alternates of the House of Deputies. In fact, the alternates are not waiting around – most are as busy as the deputies. “We go to a lot of hearings,” said Mauricio Wilson, an alternate from the Diocese of California. “We’re attending everything,” said Peter Larson,…
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Deputy Stan Baker’s historic role in marriage equality
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Deputy Stan Baker of Vermont was the lead plaintiff in Baker vs. Vermont, the 1999 case in which a state court ruled for the first time that same-sex couples are entitled to the benefits and protections of marriage. In this video, he remembers that struggle and reflects on the Episcopal Church’s debate over marriage equality….
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Money and the Holy Land: Committee Hears Testimony
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  SALT LAKE CITY – The line snaked across the room and out the door on Thursday morning as deputies, alternates and visitors signed up to speak on one of the hottest topics facing General Convention – how the Episcopal Church should respond to the on-going conflict in the Holy Land. The proposals: Five resolutions…
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Marriage committee in session when news of marriage ruling breaks
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SALT LAKE CITY, JUNE 26–The Special Legislative Committee on Marriage was in the middle of discussing testimony it had heard at last night’s hearing when members learned that the U. S. Supreme Court had issued its intensely-anticipated ruling on marriage quality throughout the United States. Committee members didn’t know exactly what the ruling was, but…
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Marriage committee hears first testimony
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General Convention got its first look at what direction deputies and bishops may wish to take on the issue of marriage equality during a hearing June 24 by the Special Legislative Committee on Marriage. The committee, made up of deputies and bishops, heard testimony on four resolutions assigned to it, but most of the comments…
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A strong PB, or an executive director? Deputies debate leadership

In the second of a series of viewpoint essays, Deputy Steve Pankey of Central Gulf Coast and Alternate Deputy Jared C. Cramer of Western Michigan debate whether the presiding bishop or an executive director should be responsible for the day-to-day operations of the church. Cramer is in favor of the changes proposed by the Task…
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On a mission from God
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I’m on a mission from God. The Credentials committee has run out of iPads, so I know there’s a run on some items. It’s really important for me to get a #BlackLivesMatter sign for my deputation’s table before the Diocese of Missouri runs out. But you never know who you’re going to run into in…
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Meet the Deputies of the 78th General Convention
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We took a walk around the floor of the House of Deputies and the Exhibit Hall to check in with some current deputies. We asked them what they’re looking forward to and why General Convention matters to the people back home.