
Monthly archives: July 2018

Day of the Purple Scarf
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Of the 160 bishops active in the House of Bishops, only 21—or 13 percent—are women. To raise awareness of the effort to continue to break the “stained glass ceiling” in the House of Bishops, supporters of moving more women into the episcopacy declared July 9 to be Purple Scarf Day at the 79th General Convention….
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“Africa is not stagnant”

Before he left General Convention on Sunday, Dr. Masiiwa Ragies Gunda, an Old Testament scholar from Zimbabwe, sat down for an interview with Rachel Harrison of Deputy News. In 2015, through Resolution A051, General Convention commissioned “a listing of information and resources developed by African Anglican leaders and organizations working to curb anti-gay and anti-transgender…
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HoB Opens Door to Liturgical Revisions
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The House of Bishops on Tuesday passed a resolution that would open the door to revision of the Episcopal Church’s liturgical texts. The resolution, a substitute for resolution A068, was drafted by Bishop Andy Doyle of the Diocese of Texas in consultation with a group of more than 50 bishops with whom he consulted after…
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#GC79 Podcast: Among Friends in This Faith

Miguel Escobar, director of Anglican studies at EDS@Union, hosts the seventh nightly #GC79 podcast. Guests: Zena Link is an urban educator, deputy from Western Massachusetts, member of Executive Council and serves on the Joint Standing Committee on Program, Budget and Finance. Scott Madison, who works in e-commerce is vice chair of the Diocesan Host Committee, and has…
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Podcast de Nancy Frausto, Episodio 2: Eduardo Solomón Rivera

La Rda. Nancy Frausto, rectora asociada de la Iglesia Episcopal de San Lucas en Long Beach, California, y miembro fundador del Grupo de Trabajo del Santuario de la Diócesis de Los Ángeles, presenta un podcast de #GC79. Invitado: Eduardo Solomón Rivera es director interino de comunicaciones de la Diócesis del Sureste de Florida y miembro de…
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The Hutto Service: Taking the Next Step
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By now you’ve probably heard that the women who came to the United States seeking asylum and are now incarcerated in the Hutto Residential Center watched our prayer service on the ballfields near their prison and waved towels through the slit windows to let us know they were watching. Yesterday in the House of Deputies,…
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Creating a Big Tent for Formation
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The Episcopal Church has seen a renewed focus on evangelism this triennium, inspired largely by Presiding Bishop Curry’s evangelism initiatives and the work of Canon for Evangelism and Reconciliation, the Rev. Stephanie Spellers. However, those who work in the area of formation are quick to point out the vital connection between evangelism and formation. “We…
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“A crisis of Formation”
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We are in a crisis of formation. I am reluctant to use the word “crisis,” as we have been in this state for so many years that it feels alarmist to use it now. As a native Iowan I don’t even use emergency words when there is an emergency, as “I am not happy about…
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The Long and Winding Road of B012
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The House of Deputies on Monday approved a resolution that seeks to make liturgies for marrying same-sex couples available in every diocese where such marriages are legal. Resolution B012 would make the marriage rites authorized for trial use by the 2015 General Convention available “under the canonical direction of the Rector or Member of the…
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A Reflection on the Hutto Service

I had lump in my throat as our bus turned a corner and headed down a narrow rural road. I knew we had to be close, and it hit me where we were going. We were in a caravan of 19 buses making the 40-minute journey from the Austin Convention Center to a world away…
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HoD Passes Truth and Rec Task Force
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The House of Deputies on Monday approved almost unanimously a resolution from the so-called #MeToo committee to establish a Task Force for Women, Truth, and Reconciliation to help the church “engage in truth-telling, confession, and reconciliation regarding gender-based discrimination, harassment, and violence against women and girls in all their forms by those in power in…
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Episcopalians Stand Vigil at Hutto Detention Center
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Episcopalians at the 79th General Convention traveled to the Hutto Detention Center on Sunday morning to stand vigil, advocating against the separation of families seeking asylum at our border. This video features the Rev. Megan Castellan, Rector of St. John’s Episcopal Church in Ithaca, New York and alternate deputy from West Missouri, and the Most….
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